Standard Disclaimer

As there is a possibility that this blog may become more public, I feel the need to add a disclaimer...
My experience is subjective, unique and influenced by the life experiences I had before I became a PhD student and my life experiences during this program. Your experiences will inevitably be different. They may even be wildly different!
Remember: my truth is neither your truth nor The Truth.
I want this blog to be honest. For that to be a reality, it must therefore be anonymous.
Politics and religion are fodder for other bloggers; I am a one-trick pony. The PhD nursing experience is all I'm here to write about.
Thanks and enjoy!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Week Three

I finally have all of my textbooks! And I am caught up in all of my classes except one! This is making me feel a lot more comfortable right now. I am still taking the heaviest course load that I've taken since I started the program, but now, I at least feel like I may be able to keep my head above water.

I think that this quarter, and year, is going to be very different. I have probably found my dissertation question and a dataset to use. This is the last year that I will have funding, and at the end of this school year, I will need to start writing my qualifying exams. This year is going to be big.

Thankfully, friends of mine brought this back for me from London:

I try to follow this advice...

One of the things that is going to be different is that I am going to need to start looking for funding sources. I have been keeping a list of possible grants since the middle of the last school year. I will need to start the applications in early December for many of them. Funding is really, really important for PhD students to obtain. It is not just important because it helps us do our work, but it demonstrates that we are competitive researchers and will help us get hired later as faculty. Universities expect their faculty to get grants and they hire people who have a demonstrated ability to do that.

Have a great Wednesday! I'm off to get my flu shot and then head in to class!

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