Standard Disclaimer

As there is a possibility that this blog may become more public, I feel the need to add a disclaimer...
My experience is subjective, unique and influenced by the life experiences I had before I became a PhD student and my life experiences during this program. Your experiences will inevitably be different. They may even be wildly different!
Remember: my truth is neither your truth nor The Truth.
I want this blog to be honest. For that to be a reality, it must therefore be anonymous.
Politics and religion are fodder for other bloggers; I am a one-trick pony. The PhD nursing experience is all I'm here to write about.
Thanks and enjoy!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Isn't the end always a beginning?

Hello Readers!

I am back. I think that I needed a little break for the last quarter or so. I was feeling a bit over-burdened with everything. But, as this quarter winds down I've been feeling a need to update you all and spend some time writing about where I am in the process.

I'm completing my second year of the PhD program at the end of this quarter. The American PhD system is (at least at my school) structured differently than it is in other countries. At my university, we spend the first two years taking courses (from what I understand, and please correct me if I'm wrong, most schools overseas don't have as much, if any, structured coursework). While none of the course are required, the majority of them are recommended. Upon completion of these courses, the student starts to write their qualifying exam papers. Once these are complete and have been reviewed by the student's qualifying exam committee, the student takes the exam (which is an oral exam administered by the committee). A student is allowed two attempts to pass the exam, and if she passes, she is now a PhD candidate. This is called "advancing to candidacy."

The qualifying exam papers are on three topics: a literature review, theory, and measurement (at least for quantitative researchers). The theory and measurement papers should (but, they don't have to!) establish the theoretical grounding and means of measurement for one's dissertation research. They are also the first chapters of one's dissertation.

The committee (once again, this might be university specific) is made up of four (or more) experts in various topics, aspects, statistical methods, etc., that relate to one's dissertation research. I am very happy to say that I have chosen my committee members and they have all agreed to be on my committee! Now, there is a bunch of paperwork to start on to get that all formalized and then I start writing. This summer will be dedicated to writing my papers. I hope to defend (take the exam) in mid-fall. I'm both VERY excited and VERY nervous. I am also very lucky as two of my classmates are on the same timeline as I am, so we can support each other.

So, now that I've outlined what's coming in the program, let me rewind and talk a bit about the focus of my last two quarters: funding. I applied for seven different funding opportunities over the last two quarters. My current funding ends at the end of this quarter, and I haven't had a job (a restriction of my current fellowship) in almost two years. The seven funding opportunities included fellowships, federal research grants, and university scholarships. I have heard back from two: one I have been awarded (it will specifically help with tuition, which takes a huge weight off my shoulders) and one I was denied (it's okay - I'll apply again next year). I'm still waiting to hear the results for the other five.

I've also started looking for work. The next few years of the process will be less structured by classes, which will leave more time for work. BUT! People get this far in a PhD and then stop, or get distracted, and never go back. There is actually a well-known term for it, "ABD" or " all but the dissertation." This is probably partly related to the sudden loss of structure. So, my goal is to not be working full-time, but only enough to stay afloat. I will need lots of time to continue to make progress on my own work.

That's where I am now. I'm going to try to update a bit more frequently, especially as I make progress in the qualifying process.

Have a great day!


  1. Hello,
    I'm glad to see you're progressing well into the program. :) Congratulations!
    Is the oral exam in the Fall going to test your knowledge on the papers that you have written or in something else?
    I hope funding goes through for you!

    Nursing buddy from OH.

  2. Hi Nursing buddy from OH,

    First, thanks for you kind thoughts and words!

    In response to your question: I asked my advisor yesterday what I might be asked about during the oral exam. She said that they can really ask about anything, but it is generally focused on the paper topics. However, it isn't restrained to content that one included in their papers. For example, it is apparently quite normal for them to ask why the student *didn't* choose a different theory or include a particular article, and it is in the student's best interest to have an answer! This basically means that the student should have read all the relevant articles or theories - even if they didn't choose to use them directly in the papers.

    Also, she said that they generally ask questions about your path to the PhD program and the courses that you've taken so far in the program.

    She was very encouraging and reminded me that all of the committee members review the papers before the exam and if they really don't feel like the student is ready, they will delay the exam. Nobody wants a student who has been working hard to fail.

    Let me know if you have any other questions!

  3. Hello,

    I hope you're doing OK and getting ready for the next year. I think your readers would love if we heard an update from you. :)

    I'm just getting ready to move to the East Coast to start my PhD program. Scary, but I'm excited.

    Nursing buddy from OH.

  4. Hi Nursing buddy from OH,

    Yay! I hope that your move went well and that if you've started your program that you're doing well and having fun!
    Good luck!
    I know that it's scary, but it will be great!

    I've posted in your honor today! :)
