I would like to say that I did this because I understood the inherent political ramifications of refusing to take a course offered the department of which I am a member, or I could tell the truth and say that I did it because a friend asked me to. I guess the previous sentence gave away my actual motivation - the political benefit was only pointed out to me later by my mentor.
The end result of choice B is that I signed up for a fourth class. This is not a bad thing in and of itself, and I went into it with the view that it was a course I had expected to take and that it would be useful for me so it would probably be okay in the end. This was incorrect. No, let's phrase this a little better: My assumption was flat-out, no questions asked, unequivocally WRONG. And I would have dropped the class after my first attended day, but someone had already pointed out the political ramification issue and I felt stuck. Actually, beyond feeling stuck, I am, in reality, wedged like Winnie-the Pooh trying to get out a tiny window in a Milne story.
So, here is a how-to guide for when my readers someday get stuck in a class that they wish they hadn't taken:
1. Drop the class.
No really, if it is at all possible, drop the class. Now, I am not advocating dropping classes that are hard, or boring, or that have a lot of reading. I am only advocating dropping a class if it meets ALL of these three requirements: It is useless to you, and not required and taking up a ton of time and (this requirement is optional) possibly sucking the joy from your life.
2. If #1 is truly not possible, attempt to continue, using the following techniques:
- From day one (or as early as you realize the class is only pain) begin reading the required readings for the sole purpose of fulfilling the required assignments. Look for the answers! Usually, I read things in this program as a thinking, knowledge-gaining exercise. I read them critically and I think about them long after I've stopped reading them. Not in a class like this. I am looking for the way to write the paper and save time for other readings!
- Spend time actively trying to apply (even if you've decided that it isn't possible) something from the class to your area of interest. If nothing else this is a thinking exercise and will keep you moderately engaged.
- Ask for help. From the professor, the other students in your class, or someone who has taken it before.
- Move towards a place of acceptance and recognize that you may not get an A, ever use the material, or feel good about taking the time to take this course. Remember hopelessness does not help you finish the readings....
Addendum: After discussion with my husband, he did point out that someone reading this might think that I disliked the class. I want to clarify. I really like the class. I just don't have room for things that aren't directly applicable at this point. This class offers the benefits of practicing critical thinking, critique, logical reasoning skills and some really important discussion. I just wish they were directly applicable to my work!
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