I submitted my last paper minutes ago. The quarter is done! Like all women, though, my work isn't done. I still have lots and lots to do on my other project, but I definitely feel lighter.
I thought that it might be time to do a quick summary of the quarter, both the things that went well and the things that I need to improve on next quarter.
Positives/Things I Learned:
1. From my nursing theory class I have learned that theories are both a good foundation for nursing research and also a good outcome of research.
2.I'm still no fan of most nursing theories, BUT, the Theory of Emancipated Decision-Making is a nursing theory that may be potentially useful to me.
3. I love qualitative research. I love it the same way I love literature and music and wine. It is a desperate kind of unrequited love.
4. I have a better grasp of the methods that are used to do good quantitative research. My grasp isn't *great* yet, but I can at least read a quantitative article and ask appropriate questions.
5. I know what scientific philosophy guides my view of science. I am a scientific realist! Isn't that cool? Oh, I need to add a caveat: I am a scientific realist UNLESS we're talking about reproductive health. Them I'm a radical feminist postmodernist....
6. All healthcare can be looked at from a policy perspective.
7. Write papers early! I did this and it gave me time to both reflect on the papers and make multiple drafts.
1. I still don't know what my specific research question is going to be. I only know my area of interest.
2. My newly found love of qualitative research has only muddied the waters.
3. I have to figure out how to coordinate school and some semblance of non-school stuff. Like eating regularly. Or sleeping. Or going for a jog. (Drinking wine while reading research studies does NOT count.)
4. Endnote is a crappy piece of software. But I bought it, so now I have to use it. Blah.
5. I won't have my final grades until immediately prior to the start of the next quarter. I need the feedback to be certain that my good habits worked....
6. I think that I'm going to have to buy a filing cabinet to store all the articles I seem to be collecting.
Finally, a chance to rest. |
PS - Extra points to anyone who can name where the quote came from without googling it!